easy pasta recipes for every human on the planet

Homemade tagliatelle with chicken and mozzarella

You might think that making your very own pasta is somehow a cooking accomplishment. Although time-consuming, it is not the highest mountain you can climb, but it will give you greater satisfaction than you expect.

In fact, this recipe is neither “lazy”, nor extremely difficult. The process of producing homemade tagliatelle will take you an hour more or less and you need a pasta machine.

However, if you take that part out and use ready-made pasta instead, the Laziness Factor rolls down to 1. Why not try that version too?

Laziness Factor: 3

[where 0 is clapping your hands once and 4 is conducting a classical concert]

Ingredients for 4-5 servings:

For the tagliatelle:

– 500g flour

– 3 medium size eggs

– 1 small glass (150 ml) of water


For the rest of the recipe:

– 400g chicken breast

– 100-150g mozzarella

– 2 garlic cloves

– 200g mushrooms

– 15-20 basil leaves

– some curry, oregano, thyme & cayenne pepper

– salt, olive oil


How to make your homemade tagliatelle:


Sift the flour with a sifter or by passing it through a kitchen strainer. This way, it gets lighter and fluffy.




Create a well in the flour and crack the eggs in. Pour just a little bit of water and start whisking the eggs pulling in some more flour every time.




When the mix has turned into a dough, start kneading with your hands.





Every time you feel the dough has turned harder to knead, add some water and keep on.




When the dough is soft and homogeneous, make a big roll and cover it with a towel.




Cut a small piece each time you’re about to start rolling out or divide the dough in equal parts and keep them covered.




Use some flour to flatten the piece with your hands until it becomes a thick oval disk.




Set you pasta machine to the thickest setting (usually 1) and feed the disk to the machine between the cylinders.




Gradually set the machine to settings 2, 3, 4 and 5, and roll the pasta two or three times at each setting,until the dough has become as thin as tagliatelle usually is.




Then change side to the cutting part of the machine and feed the dough in.
(If your pasta machine doesn’t slice the pasta, lay it on a cutting surface and cut the tagliatelle manually with a straight knife or pizza cutter).





As the tagliatelle come out of the machine, use a long knife to lift them up so that they don’t tangle under the machine.




Lay the tagliatelle on a clean kitchen towel and let them dry up for about 30-45 minutes.




When the pasta is dry, you will be able to make a pile of it on the towel without worrying about it sticking together. Now you are ready to cook the tagliatelle, but let’s prepare the chicken first.




Slice the chicken in bitable chunks. Also finely slice or crush the garlic cloves.




Add the chicken and the garlic in a pan with hot olive oil and season with the herbs and spices.




Drain the mushrooms from their liquids and add them too.





When your water has started boiling, toss the tagliatelle in. Attention: they don’t need cooking for more than 3-4 minutes, because they’re fresh!





Slice the mozzarella and get your basil leaves ready. Throw them in the pan just before you drain the pasta.



Mix with the tagliatelle and serve.
Bon appetit!



Here’s a video of the same recipe:

What is LazyPasta.com?

Lazy Pasta is the page to explore the world's collection of easy pasta recipes - and then some more elaborate ones. As our life has become faster, you can also try our quick recipes that use favourite pasta types like spaghetti, lasagne, fusilli and rigatoni, that are combined to create simple pasta dishes.

All the Lazy Pasta recipes are presented in photos, which guide through the step-by-step process, and they all end up with their respective pasta recipe video.

Categories of pasta recipes

Lazy Pasta recipes are divided into categories: there are vegetarian pasta recipes, pasta recipes with meat, pasta recipes with seafood and fish, pasta salads, pasta soups and recipes with baked pasta.

The recipe presented above is Homemade tagliatelle with chicken and mozzarella and it belongs to the Meat Pasta Recipes category.

Why pasta?

Pasta is a great ingredient for quick and delicious dishes. Perfect pasta dishes don't always have to be hard to prepare. According to Lazy Pasta there is "an easy pasta recipe for every human on the planet".

Although it's hard to tell which country pasta originates from (whether it's Italy or China), the history of pasta is long and interesting.

Truth be told, pasta has become popular as an ingredient of the Italian cuisine and it forms part of the Mediterranean diet. Pasta dishes can be ordered and devoured in various Italian restaurants all around the world.

The secret of the pasta may lie in its simplicity. It is usually made of white flour or wheat flour, but today we also have the options of whole wheat pasta and, more recently, gluten-free pasta.

Then again, the list of ingredients that can be used in a pasta recipe is endless; The sauce can be anything for a simple tomato sauce to bechamel sauce, white sauce with cream or other dressings. Garlics and onions are great friends of pasta, vegetables and other greens like parsley, dill, spinach, zucchini, peppers, broccoli and mint can be found in various recipes, while cheese is an absolute ticket to success, either grated, sliced or baked on top.

No matter how elaborate a pasta recipe is, the result can be mouth-watering and is certain to please everyone's palate.

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